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Maintenance Management


Work Order
Click To Enlarge​
Work Order Record
Click To Enlarge
  • Problem/Cause/Action Reporting

  • Labor Recording

  • Material Recording

  • Extensive Failure Reporting

  • Attached files

  • History Log

Click To Enlarge
Tasking Screenshot
Work Order Record View
  • Multiple Task Planning

  • Checklists

  • Multiple Technician Planning

  • Follow Up eMails

  • Follow Up Requests

  • History Log

request screenshot
Work Requests
  • Maintenance Requests

  • Maintenance Requests Approval

  • Multiple Follow Up Requests

Click To Enlarge​

Our mobile app for (iOS) allows field technicians to easily create work requests, complete work orders, capture equipment failures as well as record parts and labor consumed on the job.


We've kept it simple and easy to use so that even those with little to no experience using a CMMS can pick up the app and use it.

Planned Maintenance 
--Click To Enlarge--
PM General Info..png
  • Details Maintenace Planning

    • Tasks

    • Checklists

    • Pass/Fail

    • Follow Up Triggers

    • Labor Planning

    • Parts Planning

  • General Info.

    • Force Work Order​

    • Active/Inactive

    • Priority

    • Maintenance Type

    • Etc.

PM Planned Tasks.png
PM Linked Assets.png
  • Link Multiple Assets To Schedules

    • Save Time In Setup and Editing

    • No Need To Have Multiple Schedules 


  • Calenar PM Triggers

  • Meter PM Triggers

  • Sensor/Event PM Triggers

PM Schedule - Triggers.png
crews screenshot
Crew/Trade WO Plannng​
  • Assign work orders to a team/ group of people

  • Only show work orders in a technician's work order list that are associated with the crew

  • Report asset and maintenance performance down to a crew level 

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